Bownanza is an exciting new scheme to promote street food culture in Bromley-by-Bow and across London.
It was created by Architects Dominic McKenzie & Peter Morris with Dan Hopewell and Rick Levene from the Bromley-by-Bow Centre. To find out more or get in touch please email: or

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Food Bike Think Tank @ Signs of Life

Our design think tank - Signs of Life - have been beavering away developing concepts for their food bikes . 

We went along and met them today and shared ideas and brainstormed!

We showed them our ideas:


(here's Dominic's idea for a Bownanza bike with a roof from Bromley by Bow's 3 mills)

...and then they showed us their ideas

ice cream was a familiar theme, though no 'ice cream helicopters' this time.  

Meanwhile various designs explored chocolate a possible food vehicle:

Surprisingly none of our think-tankers were interested in Bengali food because 'they get it at home'. But Mexican food on the other hand scored highly. There was some amazing exploration of Mexican graphics for bike decoration here:

and this bike was complete with cacti on the roof

Bromley Breakfast served breakfast including a bowl of steaming porridge

At the end Rick and Tamara explained ones that caught their eye

JJ's Feisty Fiesta had all the spaces mapped out for stools, cooler, cutlery and oven. 

And last but not least, week by week, with each Signs of Life group meeting,  a scale model prototype bike is gradually taking shape - constructed from papier mache

with the legend 'Fiesta Fiesta' just becoming  visible at the back...